Hey everyone! So it's been a while since we have done a big blog post or told people where we are at so I thought I would bring everyone up to speed.

PAX Australia was a huge success for us and we would like to say a special thank you to everyone who came to our booth (extra thanks to those who brought us sandwiches while we were too busy to leave our booth). We had crazy fun and it was a hectic three days. Cargo Chaos was popular and we got some great feedback about Postman's Odyssey.

So what are we up too now?

Well, we have been working ridiculously hard since PAX on refining the Postman's Odyssey design document and getting our demo plan in shape. Along with this we have been putting together funding applications to help us give this project the love it needs (money based love).

But now that work has all passed and we are putting together an aggressive plan to get a demo out to you ASAP!

During this process it occurred to us that we should tell everyone what Postman's Odyssey is and what the demo will be. Postman's Odyssey is a 3D platforming "collect-a-thon" in the grand tradition of Rare's golden age. You will collect items and upgrade abilities and use them to explore every strange place within a mysterious world. Here check out this video!

This is video footage for those who weren't able to get to our booth during PAX. Soon we will have a fun little demo for you to all check out as well!

Why a "collect-a-thon" I heard you ask?

Well, this is one of my personal favourite genres that I feel is badly in need of some love because for some reason it hasn't seen as big of a resurgence as other classic game types. I like the freedom to explore and the sense of getting better abilities so I can check out new places.

I wanted to emulate some of the feelings and themes of these old games but I also wanted to do something different. I wanted to explore an interesting world and feel free to do so my way. I liked finding a weird solution or trying to find out if I could "get over there". Exploration is fun and it is certainly capable of keeping me entertained but I wanted to make the way I explore video games a more rewarding experience. Collecting things is a perfect way to do this.

So what's going to be in the demo?

Well we are working hard on getting a working prototype of the first area in place. This should include all the major elements that the game will involve. It will start you off at the beginning of the game and will give you the opportunity to explore, meet some of the strange characters and start experimenting with the movements and player abilities that make our game unique.

While you do this we’ll be gathering anonymous information on what everyone is collecting, where players are travelling and how people play within the game world. We hope to use this data to help craft a better experience and increase the sense of freedom.

Postman's Odyssey will be getting its own website in due time but for now if you want more information or to look at some pretty pictures, wander over to the Postman's Odyssey page on this website (link) or check us out on Facebook page (link) where we often post smaller bits and pieces information about a whole range of things.

More to come soon so stay tuned!